We know many of our parishioners like to spend the winter in warmer climates and we rejoice with you, but we still count on your faithful commitment to Cathedral in remembering us in your prayers and financial support.
So while you are away, please stay connected to your home parish by:
• Updating us with your temporary mailing address or asking us to suspend mailings for you while you are away.
• Consider signing up for our Faith Direct eGiving program to allow you to make regular electronic contributions. No need to remember to mail in your envelope ever again! Click
here for more information on how to get started or call the parish office.
• Keeping up with the latest parish news and events by reading the parish bulletins
here or on our parish smartphone
• Letting us know if you or a family member needs prayers.
You may contact the parish office at 223-1033. Enjoy your time away and we look forward to your return!