Cathedral of the Holy Spirit is located at 520 Raymond Street in Bismarck, ND.
The parish office is located directly across the street from the main (east) entrance of the Cathedral at 519 Raymond Street.
Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Fridays 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Closed on holidays and Holy Days of Obligation
Church Accessibility
The main (east) entrance and the west entrance to the Cathedral are wheelchair-accessible. The most convenient entrance is the west entrance which is located near an elevator which goes up to the main floor of the Cathedral.
Mailing Address
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
519 Raymond St.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Parish Office Phone
To email any of our parish staff members, please click on Parish Staff in the submenu on this page.
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To get our FREE app, go to the app store on your Apple or Android device, search for the myParish app and download it. Then during initial launch of the app, search for Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.
We know many of our parishioners like to spend the winter in warmer climates and we rejoice with you, but we still count on your faithful commitment to Cathedral in remembering us in your prayers and financial support. So while you are away, please stay connected to your home parish by:
You may contact the parish office at 701-223-1033. Enjoy your time away and we look forward to your return!
Hospital Visits
If you or a loved one would like a visit from one of our clergy while in either hospital in Bismarck, please call the parish office to let us know of your needs.